
Lee Valley Hockey & Tennis Centre

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park

London, England

Following an in-depth tendering process and interview by the facility management company responsible for the Lee Valley Hockey & Tennis Centre at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Halliday Lighting were appointed as the strategic maintenance and service partner for sports lighting.

Our dedicated maintenance team have looked after this prestigious site for over 4 years. We are responsible for annual LED light servicing and ad hoc maintenance and servicing for the sports lighting on both hockey pitches and six outdoor tennis courts as well as for other exterior lighting.

Lee Valley is home to the England Hockey teams and has seen numerous international and community fixtures played at the centre since its opening in 2014. The floodlights need to be maintained to ensure they can be used all year-round and are in good, working condition for training and fixtures, particularly for those which are televised.

The hockey pitch lighting at Lee Valley brings its own challenge with Halliday Lighting having to bring in the tallest crane we use across all the sites we maintain to access the floodlights for cleaning and other maintenance activities.


More information on maintenance and servicing by Halliday Lighting,

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